United States of America Mathematical Olympiad (USAMO) / United States of America
Junior Mathematical Olympiad (USAJMO)
Your School or other registered school
3/19/24 – 3/20/24
Invitational. Qualifiers determined by the USAMO index (AMC 10/12
score + 10 * AIME score).
USAMO: https://maa.org/math-competitions/usamo
USAJMO: amc.maa.org/e-exams/e0-usajmo/usajmo.shtml
The USAMO and USAJMO are proof-based problems. In each of the two 4.5-hour sessions contestants are given three problems.
All answers must be clear in logic; numerical or incomplete answers will receive no or partial credit. The top performers
will be invited to the Mathematical Olympiad Summer Program (MOSP or MOP). Then six elite students will represent the USA at
the annual International Mathematical Olympiad (IMO), the toughest math competition
for high school students.
Typically, being qualified for USAMO or USAJMO is an amazing feat because there are only about 500 students combined who have
the honor to take the test.
Past tests, solutions, and results for USAMO can be found
No calculators allowed.
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