American Invitational Mathematics Examination (AIME)
Your School or other registered school
2/1/24 for AIME I, and 2/7/24 for AIME II
Invitational. Qualifiers determined based on AMC 10 A, AMC 12 A,
AMC 10 B, or AMC 12 B scores; in addition, top performers from the
USA Mathematical Talent Search also qualify for AIME.
No additional registration fee.
A minimum of $25 shipping charge for the first 10 students and $50 for over 10 students.
The AIME is a 15-question, 3-hour examination in which each answer is an integer
number from 0 to 999. All problems can be solved by pre-calculus methods, and calculators
are prohibited. Qualifiers may only take the AIME once, the AIME I on 3/16/2010
or the AIME II on 3/31/2010.
AIME score is calculated in the USAMO index, which will be used to determine qualifiers
to the United States of America Mathematical Olympiad (USAMO).
No registration required.
Past tests and solutions can be found
Past results can be found
No calculators allowed.
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